Mulches and Bark Products

Blackwood Mulch 50Ltr bag

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Blackwood Mulch 50Ltr bag

Rocky Point‘s Blackwood Mulch is the ultimate environmental good news story!

Made from sustainably sourced timber this striking black mulch, which was once destined for landfill, is now a sustainable, natural way to nourish and protect your garden for up to 12 months.

Benefits of Rocky Point Blackwood Mulch:

  • Insulates soils against extreme hot or cold temperature
  • Coloured with long lasting colours to add a striking edge to your garden
  • Colours lasts up to 12 months Suppresses weed growth
  • Breaks down slowly
  • Provides a huge saving in watering costs
  • Environmentally friendly, created from recycled waste timber products
  • A great way to add value and quickly refresh the appearance of any home
  • Safe for children and pets
Shovel in Cypress Mulch

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