Soils and Turfs Products

Garden Soil 30 Ltr bag

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Garden Soil 30 Ltr bag

Using Rocky Point‘s Australian Standards and Certified Organic Garden Soil is a simple, cost effective and environmentally friendly way to feed your plants the nutrients they need to thrive.

Comprising the perfect blend of nutrient enriched top soil, organic compost, cow manure, gypsum, slow release organic fertiliser, and natural minerals, Rocky Point‘s Garden Soil makes every garden greener.

Benefits of Rocky Point Garden Soil:

  • Creates a balanced nutrient rich growing environment to ensure spectacular growth
  • Garden Soil can be used on all garden types but is best suited for vegetable gardens
  • Absorbs and retains water
  • Increases soil nutrient holding capacity
  • Ideal for the filling of raised garden beds, planter boxes, and large containers
  • Contains added natural gypsum for use in hard clay soils
  • Reduces loss of nutrients by avoiding leaching
  • Prepared and tested under strict conditions, this product is certified to Australian Standards 4419
Garden Soil 30 Ltr bag

Cubic Metre Calculator

Total Cubic Metres (m³)

Square Metre Calculator

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